Monday Week 2

Unfortunately I was unable to come to class Friday due to work commitments, so Monday became a bit of a catch-up day for me.

Jack had spent the last few days working on a system of responsive surfaces so I jumped on and helped him out with that. It turned out to be quite an interesting script, as it used a slope tool to detect the slope of the surface, and using a cull pattern, remove panels in areas too steep. Despite this being a quite cool feature, we instead decided to cull it based on attractor points.

Responsive Surfaces Script, Surface draped over user-defined curve, and culled based on attractor points along that curve.

Today really felt like a very unproductive day to be completely honest, as I felt like somewhere towards the end of week 1, our group, as the second immaterial group kind of collapsed. In retrospect I think we spent far too much of week 1 apart, working on individual things, whereas the other immaterial group spent the better part of the first week working as a group on one system.

Realistically, we had more systems that worked to an extent, but as they had committed most of their time to one system, their system was a bit more developed, and seemed to have more direction.

I feel like the western side of the room generally had a lot less direction, we didn't really communicate much with the material group adjacent to us, and I don't think that they really worked together as a group either, so came to suffer a similar lack of direction from us.

After some discussion with both Tim and David I feel the remainder of my time this week will be better spent working off the back of what the other immaterial group has developed, but working in a more materially minded role, to try to develop a construction system to realise their metaballs.