Wednesday Week 2
I found that using the weaverbird plugin I was able to create a proper tri-grid that delivered a far nicer result. From this I came up with the idea of developing a system that creates a system of hexagons and triangles. We had discussed the fact that triangle panels in flatter areas of the surface could be replaced with hexagons to reduce numbers of parts.
By measuring the curvature of the system I was able to create a cull pattern based on this to replace the triangles with hexagons where the curves were tighter.
Hex-tri on metaball surface.
Initially I measured this curvature using a module called surface curvature but it was quite a heavy and slow module. Matt suggested that it could actually be done by measuring the distance from the centrepoint of the hexagons to the original surface. Where that distance is greatest, it is then replaced with triangles to make those tighter curves.
Script testing curvature.
From here I passed this script onto the other material guys, so they could try to apply their scripts to it, to develop the individual panels.